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The Impact of Changing Retirement Ages

A highly debated issue related to the social security system in Turkey is a reduction in retirement entitlement ages. Current (November 2022) expectation is that such a change may be introduced within a few months. This research aims to i) analyze the fiscal impact of such a reduction in Turkey, and, ii) explore tax options needed to alleviate the adverse impacts of such an action. An OLG general equilibrium model has been constructed and a Python code for the solution of the steady states has been prepared. The study is to expand to explore tax options within the model.

Restrictions Required by Emission Targets

Many countries have put forward the intentions to reduce emission within certain time frames. Such a commitment requires a change in production and a reallocation of input use. This paper uses the input-output framework to identify the changes required to meet given emission reduction targets.

Long Term Greening Strategies

This is a World Bank financed project that aims to analyze possible green growth paths for Turkey using the Bank's MANAGE model. I currently contribute by providing training to the planning and modeling departments of Turkish public officials. The provided training is on CGE modeling in general and the use of the MANAGE model in particular.

Contribution to the Turkish Economy by Syrians under Temporary Protection

In collaboration with academicians from Turkish universities and a number of public institutions, this project aims to generate a Social Accounting Matrix of the Turkish that includes Syrian consumers and enterprises as separate entities. The aim is to provide the public institutions with a tool that is capable of analyzing the impacts of policies focused on Syrian through SAM multipliers.

Unrequited Transfers, Consumption and Labor Market Outcomes

This study aims to analyze the impact of unrequited transfers on individual behaviour. Two frequently encountered statement regarding social assistance are: i) Transfers lead to laziness, observed in the form of a withdrawal from the work force. ii) Transfers lead to the consumption of "bads" such as alcohol use, smoking etc. This paper uses micro data for the Turkish case to analyze the validity of these statements.

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