I am an economist with technical skills on mathematical modelling of the economy through input-output models, Social Accounting Matrices, CGE models and DGE models. My core software skills lie with GAMS and Matlab (with extensions to Octave and Dynare). I am currently expanding into Python.
I am also capable of working on micro data sets through statistics software. I use Stata and R to work on actor behaviour and characteristics related to my research projects.
Information regarding my ongoing research is available under the Works in Progress tab.
To see my published work, you can visit my academic network and database pages: ORCID, Ideas/RePEc, ResearchGate. A collection of my completed research with direct download links is available under the Publications tab.
A detailed CV can be downloaded by clicking the button below:

Social Security
Financing social security, Impact of parametric social security reforms
Middle East Technical University
Degree: PhD, Economics
Economic Modeling
Input-Output, Social Accounting Matrices, Computable General Equilibrium,
Dynamic General Equilibrium
Environmental Economics
Measuring the economic impact of environment related policies via equilibrium models
2001 - 2004
Ege University
Degree: MSc, Economics
1996 - 2001
Middle East Technical University
Degree: BSc, Economics